Summer Buzz


The Cabin in the Woods

The aura of Joss Whedon seemed lost on me with The Avengers. It’s just not a good movie. Though he did not direct and I have no idea how much input he had in his co-writing venture (with the actual director), there is much better result, resolve, and pure fun in Cabin in the Woods that is along the same line of what one can expect with a super hero movie. The idea being if one extends out their logic to dig too far to injest the moral of the film (meaning, it’s intellectual capability), one is losing ground with rational expectations. If one checks higher ideal at the door, The Cabin in the Woods actually makes one of the worse genres a lot of fun.

If one actually digested the spoiler bulk of the plot incarnation, the idea of an organization playing out a secret world system in which innocent people are sacrificed by scenarios seen in horror movies so Gods below will be happy, is beyond dumb. Done straight, the story is no better than bad high school whim and fantasy. Thankfully, all the filmmakers are interested in here is a means to a comic end. The plot (not fully revealed until end) is just a license for a back-and-forth comic twisting of stale cliches. The characters (likeable enough) are good enough for smirks and enjoyment.

The film rotates between kids in danger with monsters and the two men in charge of molding their situation so it’s best for graphic death. The film has the very bad habit of making up rules for an absurd plot as it goes along because the audience is in the dark  about what’s going on. Just makes plot rules irrevelant but since the film is a horror comedy, it has enough pace and movement the main tone is scene-to-scene irreverency. Like the best of what watered down movie skills in summer tend to offer, I cared more about the ride than the circumstances around it. I also genuinely had no idea what was going to happen, but I also try not to guess plot outcomes like some other people.

In end, a refreshing summer movie. Highly enjoyable. Just don’t ask me to forecast if the buzz of the ride could ever extend itself beyond this first viewing. The best summer movies tend to have that greater result as well.

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