
My personal biography feels redundant to go into since I don’t know how it will help to echo the interests of the blog. My only personal reminder is that like many other bloggers, I am not professional in the sense this writing is a monetary career. The words are the result of a great passion for me. How eloquent I am, I don’t know. Half of the writing pleasure is the process of self discovery to better learn what mistakes you can avoid next time. I never feel any one blog is the complete thought on anything. Since reviews and pieces in publications inherently ask to be made into stone for a time and place, I enjoy the ongoing conversation aspects of a blog.

The name “Film Splatter” means nothing. The original idea was the blog would be a discombobulated take on a “platter of topics” since I am writing about all areas of cinema without accord or lineage. Calling it a “splatter” of thoughts and criticisms would be more appropriate.  It has that small meaning and greater implication of sounding random and not very relevant at all. I don’t care for titles that corner themselves into one intellectual thought or history. For a blog, a title should be generic enough so it is the last consideration of the potential reader.

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